Valinor Farm Summer Eventing Programs

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Thanks so much for paricipating in the Valinor Farm Eventing Program. We had fun teaching you and hope you enjoyed your experience.  Please help us to make this program even better by filling out this short eval form.  Thank you.

Which Program did you attend

Please rate the following:

Quality of facility (Rings, stabling etc)
Quality of Instructors
Quality of Mounted Lessons
Quality of Unmounted Lessons
How would you rate this program overall
Would you change the length of the day
Would you change the length of the Program
In regrds to the amount of Flat lessons you received would you like:
In regrds to the amount of Jump lessons you received would you like:
In regrds to the amount of X-Cty schools you received would you like:
In regrds to the amount of Free Time you received would you like: (copy)

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. Evaluating your answers will help us make this program a better experience for everyone!