Training at Valinor is available in several formats. Full training board includes full board and 5 training rides per week. Partial training board (3x week) and training rides are also available.
Please see our Fee schedule for current rates
ERIN RISSO is the resident Trainer and Instructor at Valinor Farm, she is an USEA ICP Level II certified instructor . Erin specializes in starting youngsters and restarting off the track Thoroughbreds and has successfully competed through the USEF National Advanced Level, as well as the FEI CCI4* level. She has also earned the USDF bronze medal for Dressage. She teaches and coaches both young riders and adults just starting out through Intermediate and FEI competitors. Erin uses a positive approach and a systematic training program to educate horse and rider to ensure that riders of all abilities can achieve success.

LISA RISSO is the assistant trainer at Valinor. Lisa currently competes her OTTB Jericho at the Preliminary and CCI2* level and is available for lessons on a limited basis. Lisa is a MA licensed instructor, C3 graduate of USPC and competed with the UMASS IHSA Team at Nationals.