Schooling Jumper Shows Wednesday Nights under the lights!

2025 classes will be judged as USHJA Table IV (Optimum Time) to determine placings.
To help exhibitors understand the new rule, there will be a Judge’s Clinic on the day of the first show of the season, Saturday, April 19. The Clinic will run from 9-10:00 AM, and classes will start at 10:00.
You do not need to be showing on April 19 in order to attend the clinic- all are welcome !

2025 Dates: (all dates are tentative)

  • April 19, Saturday. ‘Learn the Optimum times rules’ clinic from 9-10am. with judge Linda Robson. classes will start with Lead Line at 10:00
  • May 7  & 21, starting with Lead Line at 5:00
  • June  4, starting with Lead Line at 5:00
  • July 2, 16 & 30, starting with Lead Line at 4:00
  • August  13 & 27, starting with Lead Line at 4:00

Please register online by 8 pm the day before the show. Pre-registered  competitors are welcome to add classes during the show.  A $25 post entry fee is charged for any registrations received after that time or day of entries.
Bring your appetite!  We have a fabulous food booth. 

CLASS LIST and format for Lead Line – Cross Rails:
Year end points for these classes are awarded to the RIDER regardless of the horse.
Classes will be split by age if sufficient entries.

  •  Lead Line Equitation (for children 10 and under).
  •  Lead Line Suitability (for children 10 and under).
  • Lead Line Ground Poles
  •  Walk-Trot Equitation (riders in this class are not eligible for WTC or 2′ and above)
  •  Walk-Trot Suitability (riders in this class are not eligible for WTC or 2′ and above)
  •  Walk-Trot-Canter Equitation.
  •  Walk-Trot-Canter Suitability.
  •  Ground Poles Equitation
  • Ground Poles Suitability.
  •  Ground Poles Optimum time.
  • Cross Rails Warm-up
  • Cross Rails Equitation
  • Cross Rails Suitability
  • Cross Rails Optimum Time.

CLASS LIST and Format for Jumper classes 2′ and above:
Year end points for these classes are awarded to the HORSE regardless of the rider.

An Unjudged warm up will be available at the start of each height change.

  • The A and B classes are different courses and are marked accordingly.
  • Both The A and B courses will be timed using Optimum time (USHJA table IV) to determine placings. In addition to faults for rails and refusals, 1 fault is assessed for each second exceeding the Time Allowed. Ties are broken by the riders closest (over or under) to Optimum time. Time Allowed and Optimum time will be posted with the course maps.
  • 2′ Jumpers A,  2′ Jumpers B
  • 2′ 3″ Jumpers A,  2′ 3″ Jumpers B
  • 2′ 6″ Jumpers A,  2′ 6″ Jumpers B
  • 2′ 9″ Jumpers A,  2′ 9″ Jumpers B
  • 3′ Jumpers A,  3′ Jumpers B


  • Entry Fees: $25 per class , $25 per warm up round. An unjudged warm up round will be made available at the start of each level change.
  • All classes to be judged according to USEF Rules, unless otherwise noted. Judges decisions are final.  Six ribbons to be awarded in each class.  A  Champion and Reserve will be pinned in each division provided that there are at least 3 eligible exhibitors in each class.  Riders must compete in both classes to be eligible for Champion and Reserve points.
  • Walk-Trot classes are for riders who have not competed in classes requiring riders to Canter. Walk-Trot riders are not eligible to compete in the 2′ and above jumper classes. Classes may be split by age if sufficient entries.
  • Timed classes will be placed using USHJA Table IV which uses Optimum time rather then fastest time. Time Allowed and Optimum time (4 seconds under the Time Allowed) will be posted on the course maps. 1 time fault will be assessed for each second over the Time Allowed and added to any jump faults. Ties are then broken by competitors closest to Optimum time (over or under).
  • Please register in advance using the Online RegistrationPre-Entries must be received by  8 pm the day before the show.  No exhibitor numbers will be given out without payment and a completed, signed entry form.  Pre-registered  competitors are welcome to add classes during the show if they choose to.  Day of Show entries will be changed A $25 post entry fee.
  • Attire-  All riders must wear an ASTM approved helmet  when mounted- no exceptions. Casual jumper attire -short or long-sleeved shirts-( no tank tops )  and jodhpurs/breeches with appropriate boots or half-chaps.
  • Classes pre-paid but not used will be held as a credit but must be used at the next Jumper Show.
  • Numbers will be assigned for the season.  Please keep your number to use at all the 2025 Jumper Shows. Riders must wear their numbers at all times when mounted. 
  • Non-competing riders MUST  pre-register and will be expected to sign a release form at the secretaries office.  Non-competing horses will be assessed a $25 ring fee.
  • Show management reserves the right to combine, cancel, reschedule or divide classes when deemed necessary.
  • Please be respectful of the property and other competitors.
  • Please, no smoking– this includes parking areas, ringside, and anywhere else on the show grounds.
  • Schooling permitted only in designated areas.

Our Jumper Show series is affiliated with the South Coast Series .

  • Exhibitors must compete and earn points in at least 3 shows in the same division for points to count towards year end awards.
  • Points are awarded as follows:  1st/10;  2nd/6;  3rd/4;  4th/2; 5th/1;  6th/.5
  • All flat classes, ground poles and X-rails at Valinor will count toward the Valinor Farm Jumper Awards, to be presented at the South Coast Series Awards Banquet. (these classes will not count for South Coast Hunter points)
  • Points for flat classes, ground poles and cross rails are awarded to the Rider regardless of the mount.
  • Points for Jumper classes (2′ and up) are awarded to the Horse or Pony, regardless of the rider.

  Valinor farm will not be held responsible or liable for any damages occurring to persons, horses or property while on grounds. Exhibitors enter show under these conditions.